Sunday, August 21, 2011

Getting healthy; Chapter 702

It has been a very long time since I was “happy” with my body, and I don’t know how many times I’ve done a blog about that I’m trying to get healthy and work out and all that jazz. But again its come a time where I just want to feel good and live a healthy and happy life.
Before I got pregnant with Lil Dude I was seeing a person trainer Joe {Fitness Optimist; laurel MD} and I felt great and I lost 10 lbs seeing him. Well since then it has been a battle with myself to get healthy. The summer after I had Lil dude I did Joe’s boot camp and again lost weight and was fluctuating between 175 & 180 which usually my weight does. Well after Mama was diagnosed with Gilablastoma multiforme brain tumor on Oct 22 2009 I pretty much stopped everything to do whatever I could for her; which I loved doing and miss horribly. I used to chase lil dude around her house and run her stairs to get cardio in lol Since her passing on Jan 19 2011 I haven’t done too much with my weight lost bedsides work out really well for a week to a month and then totally fall off the wagon. Which is just horrible!?! I just started going to spin class a few weeks ago and was LOVING it and then we had a bunch of things planned and unplanned and lots of thing keeping me from the gym,  We’re now down to almost 6 weeks till Disney and I haven’t lost the 10 lbs I’d like to.
Hopefully the “plan in my head” will work. I’m gonna start working out every day at least 20 min and hopefully not eat a lot of sweets or food in general, I tend to eat A LOT of food, I just love food I really do. Joe used to always tell me to keep a food journal. So defiantly portion control. Food journal. Strengthen Training. Cardio. Abs. Is that too much, especially with two kids under 3?? Who am I kidding probably but I’m gonna give it a shot and keep at it until it is a regular in my every day to day life.

~This is coming for the chick who has always wanted to run and can bleary power walk! Here we go!~
Mama & I ~ FL 2000
Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be this fit again!!

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